These Park rules are for the safety and enjoyment of all guests within the park.
CHECK OUT - Check out time is strictly 10:00 am
SPEED LIMIT - 10 km / hr to be observed for all vehicles ( bicycles included)
LAUNDRY - 3 x $1.00 coins are required for washing machines and dryers.
- Change available from reception.
- Iron available from office. A $5.00 deposit will be required.
NOISE - Consider others!
- Noise must be kept to a minimum
CAR PARKING - Excess vehicles must be parked in the visitors car park
ANNUAL SITE HOLDERS - Must notify office prior to arriving and on departure.(By law in case of emergency, we are required to know which sites are occupied.)
VISITORS - All visitors must report to the office before entering the park.
- Visitors vehicles are to be parked in visitors car park
ALARM - Alarms have been fitted to sewage pump in case of malfunction.
- Please notify office if sounding
ACTIVITIES - All persons who engage in activities do so at their own risk.
- Parents/ Carers are responsible for the supervision of their children at all times.
BICYCLES - Bicycles are to be ridden in DAYLIGHT only!
- All bicycle riders must wear appropriate head protection.
- Motorised mini bikes are to be ridden by licence riders only.
PETS - NO PETS allowed within our Park at any time.
GARBAGE - Please place garbage in bags before placing in rubbish bin.
- Rubbish bins changed Tuesdays unless other wise required
FIRE HOSES - Fire Hoses are NOT to be used for washing cars, etc.. at any time.
SMOKE DETECTORS - Please ensure all caravans are fitted with operating smoke detectors.
ELECTRICAL - Any double adapters in use outside MUST have waterproof covering.
SMOKING - NO SMOKING in cabins or amenities blocks.
- Smoke tins have been provided outside of cabins.
CAMP FIRES - - Off the ground, in designated fire bins or fire drums only.
- Fire Drums can be bought or hired from the office.
- Fires also need to be extinguished before leaving unattended.
- BEFORE LIGHTING YOUR FIRE PLEASE CHECK AT OFFICE in case of total fire ban restrictions.
SWIMMING POOL (Pool is an unsupervised area) - Swimming Pool open from 8.30 am until sunset.
- All children under 12 years of age MUST be supervised by an adult at all times.
- Its the parents responsibility for their children when in the pool area.
- NO GLASSWARE to be brought into pool area at any time.
Re-CYCLING - Re-Cycling bins are located through out park.(Blue bin with yellow lid)

In case of emergency ( fire , Flood, etc... ), residents will be notified
by personal notification to ensemble in the EMERGENCY EVACUATION AREA located
at the rear of the office and await further instructions.
1. Assist persons in immediate danger.
2. Close all windows, doors and hatches.
3. Turn off all power and gas.
4. proceed quickly to the Emergency Evacuation Area at rear of office.